

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Legal Changes? or Standard Practice?

Questioning The Very Basis Of Our Legal System?

Jeff Woods sits down with Bob Clement and gets some answers as to why his campaign is linking Karl Dean to Paul Dennis Reid:

According to this new interpretation from Clement, the real problem is not that Dean represented the accused but that he did it well. “...His nickname is ‘Magic,’ ” Clement claims. “Karl Dean, they call him ‘Magic’ because he’s gotten people light sentences and was able to get people out who ought not to be out on the streets again.” Here’s more from the interview:

Scene: “So because someone has been public defender, is that person disqualified from serving as mayor?”

Clement: “No, I’m very supportive of public defenders. But I’m talking about people who have committed heinous crimes.”

Scene: “So they’re the ones who shouldn’t get a fair trial?”

Clement: “No, they should get representation.”

Scene: “Just not very good representation?”

Clement: “Well, you gotta use some common sense and good judgment. These people are a threat to society. Aren’t you doing them a favor by keeping them incarcerated and locked up? You’ve got cases where certain people should not be back on the street because of their record and the number of their crimes. That’s where the public defender and the prosecutor and all should come to the table and say, ‘If this person gets out, we’re going to have trouble. This person is going to do it again, and how many more lives do they have to destroy?’ ”

Scene: “What you’re saying, Congressman, is that if a guy is bad enough, what the public defender should do is just lay down and toss in the towel? What should Dean have done?”

Clement: “Represent them, No. 1, but No. 2, be sensitive to the community. Share information with the prosecution. You’re doing the person a favor by incarcerating them rather than turning them back onto the street where they can commit horrible crimes again.”

To counter Clement’s barbs, Dean is airing a TV ad featuring an endorsement from A.A. Birch, the first black chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court. “He fought honorably for his clients, and he never gave up,” says Birch, who retired last year.

Dean himself says, “It’s a criminal justice system where your job is to represent the client and do what’s best for him and they’re guaranteed that by the Constitution. They’re guaranteed a vigorous, zealous defense.”

Wonder how the Bill of Rights would fare in Clement’s polls?

Firstly I will answer your question. Fairly well thank you! it has for nearly 20 years!

next step... It is common practice for the sharing of information between the defense and the prosecution; to assume otherwise is to deny the truth of the changes in modern America.

Now to properly defend Bob, let me explain what he's saying clearly and concisely for those who think he's the next Bush. In the modern process Defense Attorneys (especially PUBLIC Defense attorneys) co-operate with the prosecution as if their client is guilty; to give their client a chance to plea bargain for the easiest, lightest sentence possible. Evidence sharing is required by the court as any evidence withheld from the prosecution could be detrimental to the prosecutions case. NOW, that said Bob is back tracking because he can't Say KARL is a part of the problem because he's a MODERN attorney... But to deny standard practice as if it is improbable and unconstitutional is incorrect. Attorneys have been doing this for years; ever wonder why a defense attorney knows everyone in the court??? ITS A MONEY GAME!

Bob's best line of defense is to reword his statement as opposed to lose votes; for coming out and attacking Karl for being an attorney. (which in this day in age is a fairly deplorable position...)

secondly; what happened to the original question?

Why did Nashvillians pay for a trial in Montgomery County?

(where Paul Dennis Reids trial was held...)

the sun is shining in today. Its too damn hot for sun, and my blinds are too short.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

not much change on the way.

today was a sad day.

Buck Dozier Endorsed... COUNCIL AT LARGE ONLY!

Thanks buck... that helps sway the vote either way!

Dozier Endorses

From Michael Cass:

Outgoing Metro councilman and former mayoral candidate Buck Dozier has endorsed Jerry Maynard for an at-large council seat.

“Jerry and I got to know one another during the most recent campaign cycle,” Dozier said in a news release. “In that time, I have grown to respect Jerry as a man of integrity and ideas, someone who is not afraid to tackle the tough challenges of improving our local schools and making our neighborhoods safer. … I believe Jerry will be a welcome addition to the Metro Council as a voice of reason and common sense.”

Dozier and Maynard had at least one campaign consultant, Mike Kopp, in common this year.

SEE ALSO: The City Paper

Buck can we expect a mayoral endorsement anytime soon?

Massachusetts Liberal

The video from the Channel 4 Debate is now available online. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, I recommend you check it out over there. One segment, which I found to be the best, was when Karl Dean turned Bob Clement's carpet-bagging question around on him:

Sean Still Endorses Dean... Dude you know Clement is a life long Dem right?

Jeff Woods Is on the Defensive. Only not with attacks. Jedi Mind tricks abound. =P

Dean Strikes Back

Posted by Jeff Woods (08.21.07, 9:49 AM)

It was the Karl Dean his supporters must have been waiting for. After taking it on the chin all month from Clement on taxes and crime and even for spending his wife's money, Dean finally started hitting back during last night's televised debate.

What lasts in the minds of voters from any political debate are not the policy disagreements but the well-timed one-liners (i.e., "There you go again," and "Senator, you are no John Kennedy"). And Dean got off more than a few zingers:

"I'm willing to wager that I spent more time in Nashville in the last 25 years than you have."

"I know Metro government better than anybody on this stage."

"If you can't welcome people like me—to say that somebody who's been here 25, 26, 27 years shouldn't be able to run for mayor—well then somebody needs to tell the governor."

Asked by Clement why he's "so emphatic" about telling voters that he wasn't born in Nashville, Dean replied, "The short answer is it's the truth."

Clement's most memorable line? "Yes, I know how to say yes."

I personally Liked his "I will not increase Taxes" everyone keeps making pappy Bush comparisons without realizing the difference in federal governing principles and metropolitan governing principles. It is fairly easy to avoid a property tax increase; plan and allocate your budget where it is needed the most. Waste not want not!

and lastly WTF!

Half Day Heaven

Posted by Bruce Barry (08.21.07, 11:50 AM)

The roughly 75,000 kids who attend Metro public schools may not be terribly upset by the decision to keep schools open only for half days so far this week because of the heat, but parents scrambling to juggle jobs and child care are wondering how long this will continue. MNPS insists the decision is day-to-day. While few would fault administrators for attending to the health risks of extreme heat in classrooms and buses, it is curious that school officials refuse to just come out and say directly that half days will continue as long as the heat does.

I remember some HOT ASS Days back when I was in school. I didn't get half the day off!!! Whats the deal? are our kids getting soft? or is it another sign of global warming?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Clement Creeps out a win? maybe? maybe???

this is going to be long...

Mayoral Debate Pt. 1.

Property Taxes...


Oh my god.... Karl didn't say no...(didn't expect that one... I guess I'm dumb when it comes to dean =P)

2020 olympics... $40,000,000 dollars... avg cost...
Seems Karl doesn't get that most of that money comes from private investment. Bob Does, and thats why he says "I may be shooting for the moon here"

Low blow... Clement pulls the defense of Paul Dennis Reid out of left field...

Dean did not expect it.. and sounds a little pissed...

Dean "do not return to old style politics, " is not disrespectful of clement.

Clement, basically said, your right karl, your shit talking comes from the Scene... (note my wording... try to have some fun with this will ya!)

BEEEPPP Turn Tape Over Now

Mayoral Debate Pt. 2.

No child Left Behind... What will you do to help metro schools reach said goals?

Clement Voted for it and then says it was underfunded; bush didn't fund it properly (as a former college president and former co-chair on the caucus for education I find this acceptable, as he was a hard worker for federal education dollars.)

Dean Holds the same line. one problem i have... I can't trust a man who won't place his own children on his decisions (I.e. Karls Children are all PRIVATE SCHOOL EDUCATED... Bob's are public school educated.)

Business growth in Nashville

Dean Incentives only when Necessary, best way to compete with Mid TN for Nashville Business is to have good schools...

K... Sounds good

Clement, Incentive only when necessary, Lost jobs to areas outside of Nashville due to poor quality education...

K... Sounds Good

Did you actively seek Gentrys support?

Clement: Yes, Howard is an old Friend of Mine, and He handled himself very well as Vice Mayor and in the Mayoral Campaign. Howard I'm Doing very well in the African American Community and I Very Much Need you support, you could turn this election.

Good, As someone who has interacted with Howard on many occasions (he and my father went to high school together) I must say I hope he follows through and backs Mr. Clement.

Dean: I hired most of Gentry's staff. I will honor Howard's "I Believe" Message.

dude... His message was... "Believe" tsk, tsk, tsk...

and Finally

Beeeeppp Insert Tape B side 1 now!

Mayoral Debate Pt. 3.

Questions from the community!!!!
How will you stop Petty Crime?

Clement: Good Question, and this is becoming a problem in Nashville. As you may know I am endorsed by the Police Officers and Fire Fighters Union..."

Good enough for me (lets just hope he backs their 'fire serpas NOW' campaign too)

Dean: fund the police with enough money to fill the 60 to 70 vacant positions now, and the rest was a none answer.

'nuff said.

What you intend to do to make sure only LEGAL immigrants get work?

Dean: 287 g is the solution.

Clement: I will meet with Sherriff Hall tommorrow (287g may be good????) we have to prosecute those who intentionally hire illegals.

Great idea... My only problem is are our courts the best place to determine intent? especially if we are talking bad intentions...

Property taxes keep rising. How will you make sure my Taxes are being allocated properly?

Clement: I will NOT increase property taxes. We've seen 2 increases in the past 8 years, and Karl Dean was a part of the purcell administration when these increases occured.

NICE... good hit in there too!

Dean: I am committed to letting the voters decide on property tax increases.

Uhhhh... I don't want some of the idiot voters in this county having a say in whether or not I pay higher taxes. How bout just go ahead and tell me NO now... that will keep me happy dammit!

Poverty issues, and what would you do for our community as a whole?

Dean:Low income housing is the key to this issue.

good good... gimme more...

Clement:You have to have a support system (for the poverty stricken and the homeless) but you have to help them help themselves. Low income housing is a good solution.

Nice... keep it real!

were not done yet

Mayoral Debate Pt. 4

Hardest Professional decision you've ever made

Clement: As president of Cumberland University turning it from a 2 year to a 4 year college to get it fully accredited. I had to hire and fire a lot of people, but in the end I knew when to say yes and when to say no.

nice, political and business experience... after all he did turn C U around.

Dean: His hardest decision relates to personnel. He feels connected to his personnel ,"but then again there has to be accountability" especially when it comes to the tax payers dollars.

good call... but can you make personnel decisions?

Baby boom Retirement 1 worker for every 2 leaving workforce

Dean: Bredesen is doing what is best, meeting with local business leaders to find out what our schools need to focus on to keep the workforce flowing (from the schoolyard to the factory yard ehhh???)

Clement: we are a service Information society, that why I propose career and technical education in schools. just because your not in college does not make you a second class citizen. We've Got to prepare for the future, we've got to find the jobs that fit them. thats why we need vocational education back in schools and we need it now!


Tax increase

Plan our Growth and Grow our Plan... Focus on Quality of Life

uhhh... COOL... what about after that (i have to ask at least).

Dean: I have no plans to seek any increase in taxes. Now if a disaster or downturn, say we can't pay for our bonds, we may need to increase taxes... (he goes on...)

uhhh your right, but your wrong... no more taxes...

Both candidates avoided this question, so I'm just gonna skip it... enjoy the video
basically its what nationally held stereotype of nashville would you like to get rid of.
they both pitch MAJOR SOFTBALLS!

(i'd like to see the ignorant, uneducated, Racists, Shoeless, and maybe the "they all have mullets" stereotypes go... can I be mayor??? hehe.)

Convention center

Dean: Designate MDHA the authority to manage the development (after some investigation into MDHA) Store and restaurants should be on the exterior, and I would like to see a music theme as well.

Good Answer

Clement: Dean and I both Agree on the Convention Center. We Need it, but I'm not going to build it on the back of the taxpayers, I will utilize tourist dollars.

Air/Quality Ozone Standards

clement: We may get fined soon; we have to monitor this closely. We have to communicate this regionally as well.

Dean: The Next Mayor of Nashville is going to have to be a regional leader. As mayor of Nashville I would unite middle Tennessee to make sure we do not get sanctioned by the EPA.

I want to laugh because this question reminds me of the "EPA! EPA!" dome in the Simpsons movie... But its a serious issue and they both have good points.

Last but not least


Mayoral Debate Pt. 5

k... I'm bored and this was long... Its like american idol (or insert other crappy Fox reality series here) 1 hour for two people to debate? I understand 1 or 2 hour debates when there were 7... BUT, come'on DAWG we're down to two...

30 minutes should be plenty.<--- does this show my youth???

Clement puts forth public school options... sounds good!

P.S. this is important.... to make this as fun as possible... RIGHT CLICK.... CLICK PLAY SPEED...


Its funny... I promise!

My Room is dark... But my TV is all Glowy!

back to normal non-TV mode tomorrow... Enjoy this while ya can!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

the New News About the News!

The Real News Network.

Lets hope this lasts folks. Its a chance for us to see the world without corporate rose colored glasses.

I advise everyone to sign up and watch!

This is a Beta internet News Channel, So they need all they help they can get!

Come On Winter!

Heat-related death toll rises

"Authorities in Memphis reported two more heat-related deaths Saturday, bringing the toll in Tennessee to 13.
The latest victims were a 74-year-old man found dead Saturday evening after working in his yard in the morning and a 60-year-old man found dead in his home late Friday night.
Shelby County Medical Examiner's Office said the 74-year-old man was found in his home in Germantown, a Memphis suburb, and had asthma."


Today is the first day I could go outside without carrying vast amounts of water and an umbrella. It only felt like it was 95 degrees today in Nashville. But its friggin hot!

this past week my in car thermometer registered 105+ degrees while driving down 40 W at 75 miles per hour.

So... question... Is Global Warming Really B.S.? Or did I forget what a TN summer is?

ponder, think... Respond.