

Friday, September 14, 2007

Stinkin' Lyin Terrorists....

Well I'm not sure how many of you have read up on this man; but his story could be of global importance. His name is Ahmad al Shayea. And he was an Al Qaeda Bomber... But his story isn't one of hatred of America and his overzealous drive to become a martyr. Lets just say Al Qaeda is starting to use some fairly desperate tactics.

Ahmad al Shayea is the rarest of truck bombers -- he survived his suicide mission in Iraq even though the blast from his bomb was strong enough to kill 12 bystanders.

Al Shayea, who was disfigured during the attack, claims al Qaeda tricked him into becoming a bomber by asking him to deliver a tanker truck, which they had rigged with a bomb.

"They told me to take it to an address in Baghdad. As soon as I got there the truck exploded," said the native of Saudi Arabia. He survived by jumping out of the truck.

Al Shayea renounced terrorism and returned to Saudi Arabia, where he works to convince would-be insurgents and terrorists to give up their deadly ways.

"I think God took me out of death to show others what can happen," he told CNN. "If you join al Qaeda, they will use you, and maybe you will die."

So... If they really have the support they claim why are they having to send muslims who have no interest in martyrdom(and thus victims of homicide)to be their bombers? Maybe we are defeating this terrorist group...

Now if only we could change the name of the "war on terrorism" to the "war on Al Qaeda"; at least that would give us a goal for completion.

silly republicans!

CNN link

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Karl Dean, Mayor of Nashville

Firstly I would like to extend my congratulations to Karl on his 5000+ vote win over one of Tennessee's most recognized political names. While I may not have supported his campaign; I will support him as leader of my city... AS LONG as he does as he promised.

So, Karl! Accept My Concessions (Hell its politics, Its always a War to the End...) on the understanding, I'm holding you to making our schools better. I believe you intend to do so.

Thats all I can muster for tonight...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

As We Should Remember...

Today is a marked day in American History. September 11th 2001 was a day which affected every person in this countries life. Be it a family member, or just empathizing over the lose of others; we all felt the pangs of an attack on our great nation. While some may question the motives and means of such an attack and who would normally be at fault, I for one would like to take a different route.

Today I want to shed my partisan views in reverence of this tragic day. I will now quote some highlights from President Bush's National Address given on 9/11/01 as I feel these best represent the true light of America.

A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.

Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature. And we responded with the best of America -- with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could.

This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.

Let us focus on that one sentence today. Let us unite and walk as one. The Reason I bring this up specifically is today is a special day for Nashville, as we go to the polls to elect a new mayor.

While I have my obvious opinions in previous posts I urge you... Whoever you vote for today, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!! Today is the day for you to have your say in who your mayor is. 9-11 I feel is a great reminder of why we vote, and NEED to vote. What a great way to show your patriotism than to partake in the most American of activities... Democracy in action!

I hope you all go about your days with reverence not only for those who died on September 11th but also those innocents that have lost their lives over seas in our current military conflicts. Let us take time to show the world why Americans are great!

The Last Forum/Conversation... Video!

I figured if people needed a last minute push we might as well give em what we got!

So here is my Playlist for the Tying Nashville Together Mayoral Conversation Parts 1-3.

Note I recorded the entire thing and I'll keep my comments to myself... except if you want my opinion in this election read the lower post The Second to Last Mayoral Forum... Video!!!

Enjoy... and if your on early in the A.m. they may not complete processing until 7ish.

Monday, September 10, 2007

2nd to last Forum.... VIDEO!!!!

ok guys... I figured I could post this up for you. I had a problem with the video processing or it would have been up yesterday... Oh well... For all you last minute voters; check back soon as I am working on the Tying Nashville Together Conversation from Sunday night. When its done processing a new post will be up. Utilize the tools presented to you... watch these videos before you VOTE!

Instead of posting 9 videos I wanted to save time; so these videos are in a single playlist. Enjoy!

Gooooo Bob!