Thursday, November 1, 2007
Federal Government Rules Against Phelps. (yay!)
I for one am glad to see this father was pissed off enough to do something about it.
He deserves every penny he gets; if he ever even sees a dime.
(CNN) -- A federal jury in Baltimore, Maryland, Wednesday awarded $10.9 million to a father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by members of a fundamentalist church carrying signs blaming soldiers' deaths on America's tolerance of homosexuals.
The family of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder -- who was killed in a vehicle accident in Iraq's Anbar province in 2006 -- sued the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, and its leaders for defamation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Church members showed up at Snyder's funeral chanting derogatory slogans and holding picket signs with messages including "God Hates Fags."
They've picketed the funerals of dozens of troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, claiming that God is punishing the United States because of its tolerance for homosexuality.
Al Snyder, father of the slain Marine, said he considered filing the lawsuit for a long time before going forward and that he hoped the judgment would make it harder for the church to continue such protests.
Article Link
I am surprised by or government on a daily basis. Todays is a good surprise!
Smokey Bear weeps...
Only you and your young child can prevent forest fires! Please keeps matches lighters and other implements used to start fires away from children! Also remember that childproof in no way means a child cannot find a way to use the lighter!
One must feel for the parents, but in the same extent What response is in the best interest of the state? Maybe this action (unless proven to be a child with a criminal record)is best left as a learning experience for ALL families that their children MUST be taught and watched over properly. A 10 year old being watched by a parent is NOT playing with matches...
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 31 — A 10-year-old boy admitted that he accidentally started one of the largest of last week’s Southern California wildfires while playing with matches, enforcement officials say.
The blaze, the Buckweed fire, started in the early afternoon of Oct. 21, in Agua Dulce, a rural community in the northern part of Los Angeles County. Fanned by high winds and hot, dry weather, it spread quickly, driving 15,000 people from their homes, destroying 21 houses and 22 other buildings, injuring three people and blackening more than 38,000 acres.
Investigators immediately began tracing the cause of the fire, and on Oct. 22 arson investigators from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department talked with the suspect, whose name has not been released, a department spokesman, Steve Whitmore, said Wednesday. “It became known to them that they needed to speak with this young boy,” Mr. Whitmore said. “He acknowledged that he was playing with matches and accidentally, his words, set the fire.”
Mr. Whitmore would not discuss the case further before evidence was presented to the county district attorney’s office.
The youth was left in the custody of his parents, awaiting word on whether he would be prosecuted. If so, the case would be heard in the county’s juvenile justice system, said Sandi Gibbons, the public information officer for the district attorney’s office.
Article Link
Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires!
Friday, October 12, 2007

Soooo.... I happen to have a minute; and decided to check the news for a possible story for the blog (i.e. something that actually matters to me)...
Any how some very good news in my humble opinion. Al Gore (and some U.N. Committee =P) won the nobel peace prize!
Former Vice President Al Gore and the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for their work to raise awareness about global warming. asked readers to share their thoughts on the Nobel Prize, global warming and Gore's selection. The response was overwhelming.
Many readers offered congratulations to the former vice president, while others expressed disdain for him. Some readers said it was a poor choice, while others flat out dismissed global warming as pseudoscience.
Below is a selection of those responses, some of which have been edited for length and clarity:
Roy Woodcock of Rochester, Washington
What a disgraceful choice. Al Gore has promoted bad science and dishonesty, but done nothing to promote peace. I must conclude that his selection is based on pure politics.
George Burns of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
I can only imagine how upset Bill "looking for my legacy" Clinton is that he didn't win it. Mr. Clinton really thought he had a chance at it when he tried to broker piece between [Yasser] Arafat and [Ehud] Barak. Arafat, another Nobel Peace Prize winner, rejected Barak's offer of everything Arafat wanted. ... Jimmy Carter, another Nobel Peace Prize winner, got North Korea to "promise" to terminate their nuclear weapons program. How'd that work out?
Mr. Gore is in great company.
While some of you may hate Gore he is my personal favorite for president. I really hope this helps to push him towards a run.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
take this job and Shove it.
I have things to do that involve making money, and not sitting on my ass behind a computer all day! so as I work like a busy bee; I'll be ignoring you lovely people for a minute. BUT you will still see me trolling in your lovely posts; at least for the next month.
Anywho wish me luck. The quicker I move up, the less time I have to spend irritating you...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Bush: I Will Veto Kids Insurance.
Bush: Kids' Health Care Will Get Vetoed
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush again called Democrats "irresponsible" on Saturday for pushing an expansion he opposes to a children's health insurance program.
"Democrats in Congress have decided to pass a bill they know will be vetoed," Bush said of the measure that draws significant bipartisan support, repeating in his weekly radio address an accusation he made earlier in the week. "Members of Congress are risking health coverage for poor children purely to make a political point."
Nothing is more annoying than a politician twisting in his own skin. I do not understand where Bush gets off thinking Poor Children don't deserve health care, and on top of it he tries to twist HIS veto around to be an error of the democratic party...
what ever happened to
"I'm a Uniter, Not a divider."
George W. Bush 05/06/99
Following a basic logic one would assume that this is a divisive act by the most extreme of definitions.
In the Democrat's response, also broadcast Saturday, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell turned the tables on the president, saying that if Bush doesn't sign the bill, 15 states will have no funding left for the program by the end of the month.
At issue is the Children's Health Insurance Program, a state-federal program that subsidizes health coverage for low-income people, mostly children, in families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private coverage. It expires Sept. 30.
Now see... This is where I put on my ass kicking boots. This is where most people in my shoes would do the same. My son is currently insured thanks to one of these federally funded state insurance programs. So let me say it plain and simple Georgy boy... Unless you pull Jenna And Barbara's cover everything insurance; Don't think about touching my Kids health care. I will insight political riots if you do...
plain and simple.
Your party has refused the people of this country basic health care for too long now. If you pull the little bit you already provide, whats to say you don't begin a revolution? Oh damn... you could even lose your party as you know it if the Ron Paul Revolution occurs (yeah... right... =( ) Hunger caused the French Revolution... Couldn't illness cause the 2nd US revolution?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Frickin A... Hobbits are Real!?!?!?!

Well the Shire has been found, Now maybe Bilbo and Frodo can tell their own tales...
Newsweek Article
Anthropologically and archaeologically unexpected to Tolken at least, now bones have been found that further validate the Skull found last october.

Soooo... 12,000 year old hobbits; found on a south pacific island. Is it me or is that just too damn ironic?
Greenspan speaks!
Greenspan speaks to Jon Stewart. Mainly just to plug his new book.
JS: "What is that? when they say the stock market went crazy, when it went up 350 points because they lowered the interest rate a half a point. Why?"
Greenspan: "Because a very large number of people hadn't expected it, and lower interest rates generally mean higher stock prices"
JS:"When you say unexpected it makes me wonder is this a game of expectation if they said were gonna lower this thing a point and it only goes down a half a point will stocks go down?"
GS:"No, the reason is everybody is looking at the same body of data. You know what's going up you know what's going down. The Federal Reserve the federal open market committee, their agency that makes these decisions, has the same data as everybody out there is looking at. So the markets adjust as to what they expect the fed to do because they expect the fed to be looking at the same data. When they don't quite do that the markets move rather rapidly"
JS: "So the Fed or whoever is leading it could in fact, if he wanted to, Goof on all of us?"
Gs: "he wouldn't want too."
JS:"When you say open market, Many people are free market capitalists, and always talk about free market capitalism and that is our economic theory. So why have a fed?
Wouldn't the market take care of interest rates and all that? why do we have someone adjusting the rates if we have a free market system"
GS: "You are asking a very Fundamental question (segway to jokes)... You didn't need a central bank when we were on the gold standard back in the 19th century, these automatic things occured because people were buying and selling gold and the markets would (naturally) do what the fed is doing now. But, Most everybody in the world by the 1930's decided the Gold Standard was strangling the economy, and universally it was abandoned. But, you need somebody to determine, or some mechanism, of how much money is out there because remember the amount of money equates to the amount of inflation in an economy. The more money you have, relative to the amount of goods the more inflation you have.
JS: "So we're not a free market then? Theres a benevolent hand that touches us..."
GS: "your quite correct to the extent that there is a central bank governing the amount of money in the system; that is not a free market and most people call it regulation."
An amazing Lesson in Basic American Economics. And if you know anything about the market, a few suggestions are thrown in just for good measure.
wooot greenspan!
Video Link
Worth the watch even if you don't like money. =)
Congratulations to Mayor Karl Dean
My Father and I attended Karl Dean's mayoral inauguration today. Once again we congratulate Karl on his victory, and want to let everyone know now that campaigning is over; we fully support Karl as our new mayor. While we had our doubts we know that Karl will focus on Nashville's best interest; we feel he WILL utilize the best people for the Job. So to Karl Dean Congratulations on your Win, your speech was impeccable.
Now comes the hard part. I really believe you can do it...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
So the French are weak, Eh??? Va te faire foutre Mon Ami !!!
Let's not forget they're so weak that they were bullied into selling weapons to dictators the likes of Saddam Hussein...
Not so fast my Yankee-Capitalist-Dog Friend...
What About this...
Koucher is saying France should (along with the E.U.) begin preparations for war against Iran. As expected these increases in tension are all based off of fears of a nuclear (Weapons wise) Iran. While I agree with these leaders I do question whether there really is an 'evil' intention behind the goal of the Iranians to successfully produce Nuclear Fuel Grade Uranium. Our Current Stance of shoot first talk later concerning the middle east is raising tension region wide; and as such the safest bet for the world is to keep Iran a nuke free nation.
The French President has wisely backed off of his Foreign Ministers veiled threat of war with Iran. He feels the goal now is to increase UN sanctions and negotiations. While this is the best recourse it means we are drawing closer to our current Cowboy In Chief whippin' out his pistols and goin' in with guns blazin'. Let us hope that Congress will have the juevos to reign the President in if he gets too feisty.
Here's the Article if you want to read more
PARIS, France (CNN) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Thursday that he will seek tougher U.N. sanctions on Iran for continuing to produce nuclear fuel, but backed away from his foreign minister's warning that Europe should prepare for war.
Speaking in a joint interview with French television networks TF1 and France 2, Sarkozy said it is clear that Iran "is trying to equip itself with a nuclear bomb." But he said diplomatic pressure has spurred other countries to give up nuclear weapons programs before.
"How can we convince them to renounce this project, like the international community convinced Libya and North Korea? By discussion, dialogue and sanctions," he said.
Sarkozy said he will lobby for tougher sanctions on Iran when he attends the U.N. General Assembly session in New York next week.
France and fellow European Union members Britain and Germany have led Western powers in negotiations with Tehran over its nuclear program, which Iranian officials insist is aimed at producing civilian electric power. The United States accuses Iran of working toward a nuclear weapon.
Full Article link
God Strikes Back!
Well, God seems to have a legal team... At least one in the County District Clerks office of Omaha. This story is just to cute to ignore (and kinda disturbing that the clerk would so quickly mix church and state). Anyways the Nebraska State Senator that sued God has a response, and so now his example of a frivolous lawsuit is null and void; why? because someone in an elected office has too much of a sense of humor.
'God' responds to legislator's lawsuit
LINCOLN, Nebraska (AP) -- A legislator who filed a lawsuit against God has gotten something he might not have expected: a response.
One of two court filings from "God" came Wednesday under otherworldly circumstances, according to John Friend, clerk of the Douglas County District Court in Omaha.
"This one miraculously appeared on the counter. It just all of a sudden was here -- poof!" Friend said.
State Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha sued God last week, seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty for making terroristic threats, inspiring fear and causing "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."
Chambers, a self-proclaimed agnostic who often criticizes Christians, said his filing was triggered by a federal lawsuit he considers frivolous. He said he's trying to make the point that anybody can sue anybody.
Presidential Pundit
A political advertisement that criticized the top U.S. commander in Iraq was "disgusting," President Bush said Thursday, accusing Democrats of being afraid to criticize the anti-war group.
I think this...
is disgusting... And this is what we are doing to Iraqis Daily. poor kids.
Bush said that "most Democrats are afraid of irritating a left-wing group like" and they "are more afraid of irritating them than they are of irritating the United States military."
You know what else is disgusting?
"according to the New York Times, the Pentagon has adopted a bizarre
formula for keeping tabs on violence. For example, deaths by car bombs don’t count. The Washington Post reported that assassinations only count if you’re shot in the back of the head — not the front. According to the Associated Press, there have been more civilian deaths and more American soldier deaths in the past three months than in any other summer we’ve been there. We’ll hear of neighborhoods where violence has decreased. But we won’t hear that those neighborhoods have been ethnically cleansed."
you tell me... whats more disgusting... A lying General and the government he lies to protect? or the Fact that most democrats don't have the guts to stand up and say this war is WRONG, UNJUSTIFIED, IMMORAL, and ILLEGAL? Or that the Democrats aren't seeking an impeachment of President Bush?
You tell me what makes you sick.
our government?
or its actions?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Senate Republicans Reject Habeas Corpus
A year after lawmakers abandoned American principles on the rule of law and stripped detainees of their right to challenge their detentions in court, the Senate today turned back an effort to return some sanity to our rule of law. A bipartisan majority supported restoring habeas corpus, but Republican obstructionism wouldn’t allow a vote.
The Senate narrowly rejected legislation on Wednesday that would have given military detainees the right to protest their detention in federal court.
The 56-43 vote against the bill, by Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Arlen Specter, R-Pa., fell four votes shy of the 60 needed to cut off debate. It was a blow for human rights groups that say a current ban on habeas corpus petitions could lead to the indefinite detention of individuals wrongfully suspected of terrorism. […]
sooooo... Any Republican wanna explain why Habeas Corpus is STILL unnecessary???
Thompson to Everglades... F*** You!
From today's Tennessean:
Thompson doesn't rule out drilling in Everglades
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP ) -- Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson seemed taken by surprise when asked Tuesday about oil drilling in the Everglades, apparently unaware it's been a major Florida issue.
Before answering, he laughed at the question."Gosh, no one has told me that there's any major reserves in the Everglades, but maybe that's one of the things I need to learn while I'm down here," Thompson said after talking over state issues with Gov. Charlie Crist.
Thompson, who has called for seeking U.S. oil resources wherever they exist, was asked by an Associated Press reporter whether that included drilling in the Everglades.
"I'm not going to start out by taking this, that or the other off the table in terms of our overall energy situation," he said.
In 2002, when Thompson was a Tennessee senator, President Bush announced plans to spend $120 million to buy oil and gas rights on 390,396 acres of federally protected land in the Everglades to safeguard them from drilling.
So... Fred just sealed the deal as to whether or not I will be an Anti-Thompson Pundit. What is the deal with these candidates all being idiots when it comes to alternative fuels?
There are a million different options for converting energy to motion; yet we are hell bent on only using the most polluting and least available resource on the planet. Whats the viability of a hydrogen car?
Now let me ask that question again with a nationwide conversion of gas stations prior to the release of these vehicles(I.e. add one hydrogen pump per station... Nationwide)? To dangerous you say... Well what about a Hydrogen Fuel Cell that can burn oxygen too? (i.e. H2O...)
So... Which party wants my vote? (I know who's getting it; but still come on and fight for it again... at least then we would assume our leadership is changing for the better) I suggest one of you come out with an ENERGY PLAN, and when you do... Make sure it excludes Fossil Fuels; and Includes Alternative Fuel Technology.
Monday, September 17, 2007
and a Quick Swerve to the Right...
Repeat Votes ARE NOT allowed. I am mainly doing this to get a feel of the popular opinion in this state.
Same as below if you want a candidate not listed reply to this thread with your vote.
lets get democratic for a minute!
Multiple Votes ARE NOT allowed! Also please vote if you are in TN I am trying to get a feel for the popular opinion in our state.
P.S. If you want Al Gore... Though He's not running post a reply... Maybe we can get his attention
Friday, September 14, 2007
Stinkin' Lyin Terrorists....
Well I'm not sure how many of you have read up on this man; but his story could be of global importance. His name is Ahmad al Shayea. And he was an Al Qaeda Bomber... But his story isn't one of hatred of America and his overzealous drive to become a martyr. Lets just say Al Qaeda is starting to use some fairly desperate tactics.
Ahmad al Shayea is the rarest of truck bombers -- he survived his suicide mission in Iraq even though the blast from his bomb was strong enough to kill 12 bystanders.
Al Shayea, who was disfigured during the attack, claims al Qaeda tricked him into becoming a bomber by asking him to deliver a tanker truck, which they had rigged with a bomb.
"They told me to take it to an address in Baghdad. As soon as I got there the truck exploded," said the native of Saudi Arabia. He survived by jumping out of the truck.
Al Shayea renounced terrorism and returned to Saudi Arabia, where he works to convince would-be insurgents and terrorists to give up their deadly ways.
"I think God took me out of death to show others what can happen," he told CNN. "If you join al Qaeda, they will use you, and maybe you will die."
So... If they really have the support they claim why are they having to send muslims who have no interest in martyrdom(and thus victims of homicide)to be their bombers? Maybe we are defeating this terrorist group...
Now if only we could change the name of the "war on terrorism" to the "war on Al Qaeda"; at least that would give us a goal for completion.
silly republicans!
CNN link
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Karl Dean, Mayor of Nashville
So, Karl! Accept My Concessions (Hell its politics, Its always a War to the End...) on the understanding, I'm holding you to making our schools better. I believe you intend to do so.
Thats all I can muster for tonight...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
As We Should Remember...
Today I want to shed my partisan views in reverence of this tragic day. I will now quote some highlights from President Bush's National Address given on 9/11/01 as I feel these best represent the true light of America.
A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature. And we responded with the best of America -- with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could.
This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
Let us focus on that one sentence today. Let us unite and walk as one. The Reason I bring this up specifically is today is a special day for Nashville, as we go to the polls to elect a new mayor.
While I have my obvious opinions in previous posts I urge you... Whoever you vote for today, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!! Today is the day for you to have your say in who your mayor is. 9-11 I feel is a great reminder of why we vote, and NEED to vote. What a great way to show your patriotism than to partake in the most American of activities... Democracy in action!
I hope you all go about your days with reverence not only for those who died on September 11th but also those innocents that have lost their lives over seas in our current military conflicts. Let us take time to show the world why Americans are great!
The Last Forum/Conversation... Video!
So here is my Playlist for the Tying Nashville Together Mayoral Conversation Parts 1-3.
Note I recorded the entire thing and I'll keep my comments to myself... except if you want my opinion in this election read the lower post The Second to Last Mayoral Forum... Video!!!
Enjoy... and if your on early in the A.m. they may not complete processing until 7ish.
Monday, September 10, 2007
2nd to last Forum.... VIDEO!!!!
Instead of posting 9 videos I wanted to save time; so these videos are in a single playlist. Enjoy!
Gooooo Bob!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Happy Labor Day!
Why is it we have a national holiday for labor; yet none of our national leaders stand up for labor?
the minimum wage still sucks. Jobs are dependent on your ability to adhere to the corporations schedule as opposed to their ability to take care of you; the companies esteemed employee.
Why do the Brits have a Labor Party; and we're stuck with Democrats... or... *wretch* Republicans? Why do WE have to pick between the lesser of two evils. Don't they know We're the ones with the power? Do WE even know we're the ones with the power?
Happy Labor Day!
Now make your government support Labor!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
active campaigning anyone?
I started with a listen to Howard Gentry's radio show this morning. Bob did well. Karl did well. Kind of what I expected...
I have two questions though...
1) When did Nashville Become a Baseball Town?
2) When did Nashville Become a Hockey Town?
We have a football stadium that is packed every Sunday... why are we sooooo Focused on the sounds and the preds? both seem to be long failing business ventures. Hell, the Preds have been one of the top ranked NHL teams for the past 5 years; But they can't sell out a home season. This should be a sign of the lack of viability of Hockey in this town. Same thing goes for the Sounds.
Now as a Born Nashvillian the sounds do have a special place in my heart; and one day I want to take my year and a half old son to a few baseball games (and hockey too!). But I don't want to pay for the option to have these sports at the expense of his schooling.
Then we went to the Scottsboro Community Club; Where Good Food, Good Folks, and Good Music all came together to support their community (and for the most part supporting Bob as well). Karl Dean was no where to be found.
Lastly was a visit to LP Field for the TSU tailgating. After an hour of sitting in a fairly empty parking lot; we parted ways. It was definitely a productive day; Bob Seemed to be busy schmoozing with voters...
So heres the point of the title of this Blog post Does Karl Dean know what he's Doing? Is he actively campaigning for real Nashvillians votes? What Political Strategy is he using; "buy the race" or "Let it rest in hopes of not losing votes"?
or is he sitting around waiting for Bob to accept his Debate Challenge?
think about it for a minute...
The window is well shaded at least...
I've been busy... SO shoot me already!!!
I have a child...
things get busy with work and a 15 month old....
be patient... I will post soon...
as if anyone reads this anyways (Post you stalkers.... its ok to... I know your there!)
Monday, August 27, 2007
You Want Coverage... Heres Your Coverage!
Now Enjoy
Opening Statements:
Karl Dean: A clear Choice between him and Bob?
Married with 3 kids.
Public Education first. (my question... why are your children in Private schools if the public schools matter?)
Bob Clement: Former Congressman for TN
Former College President
Former Chair Congressional Education Council
For Educational reform; and accountability.
Also believes that blindly throwing money into our schools is not the answer.
1.) Corporate Relocations:(this is the key to Keeping businesses in Davidson County. Work with the corporations; but don't be a shill for them.)
Bob Clement: The Fact is these businesses are moving to Nashville, but only the Nashville AREA. We don't want to give away the store; but we've got to sit down and negotiate with these companies to get them to settle in Davidson County. Thats what I'll do.
Karl Dean: Nashville has done very well in the last 4 years in getting corporations to settle in Nashville. Louisiana Pacific and Other Companies have built corporate offices in our downtown.(so Karl thinks we're doing fine... everything is Great... NICE)
45% of those new jobs are in Davidson County. the other 55% of expansion is spread out throughout the 9 surrounding counties.
Bob Clement; Rebutt: Karl the Fact is a lot of the Jobs ARE NOT here in Nashville. I believe in Regional economic growth and development but we have to strengthen the economic core in Davidson County to keep our taxes low, first.(i believe bob is right here... As a matter of fact 55% are not Davidson County Residents by Karl's numbers. Also a region without a strong base community{Davidson County} is bound to economically cave in on itself)
2.) Involving Young People in Politics:(non answer)
Karl Dean: When Elected I can get youth in politics because I will be a new administration; with young blood and younger faces.
Bob Clement: Nashville is a young persons paradise. We have a brand name; Music City USA; we need to expand on that as well. Young People come here without a job because they know Nashville is a young persons paradise. We can do better. I'm going to recruit in the US and All over the World; to utilize my contacts {to reach out to all Nashvillians} and move Nashville from good to great.
(non answer)
Dean Rebutt: We need to keep our tax base low. It is my goal to keep our tax base as low as possible. I have never voted for a tax increase.(But you've signed an approval on two... I HAVE THE DOCUMENTS)
Congressman Clement has; as a congressman. And I have not made a pledge not to raise taxes.(we know... because you will if you deem it necessary)
***Dean Licks his Lips.. ALOT... this is a tell for a person lying... just an FYI...***
3.) City Infrastructure:
BC:Transportation and Infrastructure is my bread and butter. That's a way we can build Nashville, but we also have to make sure it's safe. Sure you have to make it safe, and sure you have to fund it, but I'm also going to put a lot of emphasis on public transit and mass transit. thats a quality of life issue.
(Kinda avoided it there. But I think his purpose was to say we can utilize our current funding to make the repairs while diverting other funds to develop a feasible mass transit system)
On the Tax Comment, Karl, as a congressman I have raised taxes; but I have given my fair share of tax cuts as well. It's all about responsible budgeting. and when I left congress we had a balanced budget. I was on the budget committee and I worked very diligently to keep the U.S. moving forward.
(ZAP! POW! ZING! *for those who never watched batman those are the noises made in a good fight*)
KD: we need to be aware of how we maintain our roads and bridges. we also need to look into how we maintain our water and sewer systems there are aging pipes in Nashville.(buses equiped with the tech to make a light turn green as the bus approaches...{won't this make wait times longer for vehicular traffic?})
I am very interested in public transportation. I've proposed rapid bus transit.
This transit will encourage all Nashvillians to utilize mass transit.
{not sure I like this bus idea.}
BCR: I have secured funds previously for mass transit. Also Walking trails, bicycle paths and our commuter rail. That is a part of our future; mass transit.
Illegal Immigration
KD:I support sheriff hall's 287 g program. to me it is a fundamental part of the justice system. we need to know who they are and where there from. If somebody is here in violation of the law they should be turned over to our INS services. We need to be welcoming and diverse.
BC: We are a friendly city; we are a diverse city. I am for Legal immigration. I do not support illegal immigration. We are the only county to have a 287g program in Tennessee; and I will work with sheriff hall to get all the federal funding we need to continue this program.
KDR:Illegal immigration is largely a federal government issue. Congressman Clement has been a part of the problem as a member of the federal goverment in the past.
(I am really getting sick of this attorney talking about running a clean race and then shoving a fist in bob's mouth every chance he gets. I personally think Bob was an AMAZING congressman; and have a feeling a majority of Nashvillians will be validating that they feel the same very soon.)
Recruiting Teachers:
BC:As I said earlier we've got to improve our education system. when it comes to expenditure per pupil we are the highest school district in the state of TN. We are also one of only two school districts that can be taken over by the state government. I will not let the state government take over Nashville's schools because I will correct the issues with our schools. I will bring reform and accountability to the education system in Nashville; and I will make sure the people get their monies worth, of our education dollars spent.He's got the connections at the state and federal level... We should see what he can do.
KD: To keep businesses and families in davidson county we need our schools should be some of the best in Tennessee. We should be recruiting the best teachers here. I am committed to making sure the schools in davidson county are exceeding the performance of the schools in the surrounding counties.How?
BCR: I want to improve the school system. It has to happen; and we've got to pick up the pace.Agreed.
Public Art:
KD: I actually do Like it. (In reference to the "Ghost Ballet..." modern art piece on the riverfront now) I think the best view is going down Broadway towards the river. The issue is this a proper expenditure; and I think yes. We have a fund for public art; and we should use it.
(good... I never said he was horrible. but he's not MY mayor...)
BC:Ghost Ballet. I was there at the grand opening. Its sort of a roller coaster to heaven. I have a real appreciation for music and art. Schermerhorn; our symphony; its unbelievable what we have here. I got legislation passed at the federal level to increase funding for the arts in schools. And I'll tell you having these arts classes in schools is a good thing for your children; because it opens up that creative side(of the brain)
(and good)
KDR:I think Nashville is a great city and a city of the future. you become a city of the future by attracting creative people. we need to continue to do that.
(I'd like to see if we could start out with the kids here first... Just a thought)
Environmentally friendly Public Transportation:
BC:I support Alternative fuel sources. I would like to make our area more environmentally sensitive. I don't know how many of you have seen Al Gore's movie(an inconvenient truth... Very much worth the watch)
but we need to face it Global Warming is REAL.(GO BOB!)
We need to take this seriously. Yes, I would work with the state and federal government to make sure Nashville Has clean Air and Clean Water. We also have to work with our surrounding cities and counties as well.(Awesome Answer!)
KD: Mayor Purcell has said that we want to meet Kyoto Protocols. I support that. We need to build our buildings in a way so that we have the most efficient buildings. We need to use alternative fuels in our vehicles especially if they can save us money. We need to make more room for green ways and green space.
(I Like it... hopefully bob will steal it. =P )
BCR: Parks and Green ways are critically important to our future. I was the co-author of the national legislation for green ways and bicycle paths all over the country. I wanted them in Nashville and I want to connect them now. I see Green ways and Bicycle Paths as an environmentally friendly issue that we need to focus on for our kids and our families.
(and nope... just pulled the rug out from under Karl that's all...)
Personal Involvement in Non Profit Groups:Awesome... I hope he can continue to help lead these groups to further success in our Area. Karl seems like the perfect leader of a non profit group that works on rehabilitating convicts and their families.
KD: I was on the board of United Cerebral Palsy of Tennessee for many years. I was interested in helping. Another organization I've been involved with is reconciliation ministries. They work with the families and children of inmates. I'd like to end the cycle of crime.
BC: Girl Scouts; Boy Scouts; Oasis Center. With Habitat for Humanity I hold the worlds record for fastest built house; I put a team together and we built that house in 4 hours 39 minutes and 8 seconds. That house is still standing and that family still lives there. I'm going to create an office of volunteerism where our community can unite and make a difference in peoples lives.Also Great
KDR: I served on the board of the Oasis Center and they do a great job. I want to manage the budget in a reasonable fashion and I do not want to add more bureaucracy; which i believe an office of volunteerism would do. We have an organization in Nashville Called Hands On Nashville; which really does everything bob wants his office of Volunteerism to do. I would rely on the private non profit sector to handle that.Mehhh.... wouldn't we be better off having a government organization to back and organize these local non-profits. Karl your arguement is flawed to say the least.
Public Private Partnership:
BC: We need a new convention center. We should utilize our tourism tax to pay for it.
Number 2 is baseball. a lot of families cannot afford to take their family to Tennessee Titans Game; But they can afford a ticket to a baseball game. Lets at least consider the 14 acres at the old thermal plant site. lets look at all of our options in the future.
Good and Good. I still like the Idea of a Duel use Baseball Stadium/Amphitheater at the thermal site.
KD: As I've stated I have no intentions to increase property taxes. I think we need to look at different sources of revenue; particularly help from the state. we also need to enhance our position concerning sales tax. The convention center will help do that. We will see a return on a convention center when our visitors go out to eat and go shopping in Nashville.True to form, but nothing new to the plan.
BCR: Karl said he didn't have any intention to increase property taxes. I have pledged NOT to increase taxes and Karl will not join me in that pledge. you know how much that tax has generated in the last 8 years? $250,000,000 dollars. Thats 50% increase in the last 8 years. I think you deserve a break.Bob... Please don't! he's gonna get angry and all flustered... I'm kinda afraid he might bite 'cha.
Workforce Development:
KD: I would first inform TDOC that they have a responsibility to release inmates who have job training; educational training; and all substance abuse issues resolved. We can't have a revolving door of crime; and this is a state responsibility. As Bob has said; I won't take a pledge because I think a pledge is a gimmick. As it stands the only people who can increase taxes are the voters of davidson county. What is your pledge?
(interesting... but I'm kinda sick of not getting to hear an answer to the question because this lawyer wants to bicker and argue all night...)
BC: Karl your the one who wrote the legal opinion that the people don't have a voice when it comes to property tax increases. I've also asked you what is your personal opinion about your legal opinion that the people don't have a right to a voice when it comes to tax increases.
KDR: The Metro Council asked for my opinion. it was my legal judgement. The referendum has now passed; and I am going to follow that law.
BCR: theres a difference between being a lawyer and a leader. I intend to LEAD Nashville forward in the next four years.(Nice... Dean is now Furious!)
KDR: I'll be a leader and I'm not going to raise taxes period.
(took you LONG ENOUGH TO COMMIT DUDE... and one thing... in a debate; you should act professional and keep your cool... your not arguing with your legal partners. k? k! )
BC: Homelessness has become a major issue in this city. We have some homeless that are aggressive panhandlers. Most homeless are not that way; but some are and that concerns me. The solution is to offer the homeless facilities where they could be safe and secure; as well as get the help they need.
KD:I would support the "Help! Don't Give" Program. I separate Homelessness from Panhandling. Panhandling lessens the quality of life downtown; and it makes it harder for us to do business downtown. I did the homeless plunge. I believe we need to focus on Subtance Abuse; Mental illness; or just Down on there luck individuals and help them get out of the state they are in.
BCR: Homeless is becoming a difficult problem. They are getting younger; and tend to have more addictions. we've got to work together to solve the problem. I expect the homeless to work (with us) to get involved and help to take accountability for their own lives. (we've got to get them) where they can do more for themselves.
Wireless City:
KD:I think there is a lot of benefit to being a wireless city. But it would have to be within the budget. I cannot make that commitment without seeing the budget. Maybe we could get the private sector to offer us this option; not out of altruism but out of a commitment to make a profit.
BC: I think Karl said it well; because that is a MAJOR expenditure. My two top priorities are public education and safety. And they go hand in hand. We've got to work to set priorites; we've got to bring about reform. And thats why I'm going to audit each department. I want to know how it works. I want to know how efficient it is. I want to know what changes we need to make to make this city what you want.
KDR:Back to the issue; in terms of priorities. we should focus on our kids having the best technology in schools; before we have wireless throughout the city. We also need to work to make sure our kids have the best possible training where if they are going into a vocation they have the best computer training available.
Affordable Housing:
KD: affordable housing comes in a number of levels. First the Homeless. If people are truly homeless and need help getting on their feet again; affordable housing is a part of that.It's also important for low-income and middle income people who are performing important jobs. We need to work with non-profits to make sure we are building a good pool of affordable housing.
For those of you who assumed I was just taking sides in the last post... read the highlighted area... we don't need to build... we need to renovate. biggggg cost difference.
BC:Low income affordable housing. The average price of a home in Nashville (to BUILD) over $190,000 alot of people can't do that anymore. I know Ken Eaton when he was in our Forums he really spoke out about that. A lot of people have great ideas about the future and low income affordable housing; what we've got to do is take these ideas and run with them. I like to take Idea's and put 'em into action. We can do great things in Nashville and take Nashville from good to great.
and listen to that he even gives credit to people for their ideas... maybe thats why I back Bob... He's a down to earth guy.
Now my question is... Where are his democratic supporters when he needs them?
Did Davidson County go red? or did it go green?
oh... does anybody know when it will rain again?
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Gettin Props from the Man is SWHEET!
whatch this
Mayoral Debate 08/25/07 Click Affordable Housing question link
Its alwhays cool when not only does a politician have a good idea, but they are whilling to embrace others good ideas. Thanks for the Name Drop Bob!
P.s. Even if it doesn't help here is an explanation of our(the Eatons) Affordable Housing Plan.
1. Stop Building New Houses and Communities using Government housing funds.
2. takes the Federal/State Funds And allocate them towards repairing blighted homes in blighted areas.
3. Use these funds to REPAIR these Blighted homes; as well as to purchase these homes (which run from $20,000- $60,000 as opposed to a new build of $90,000-$190,000) to resell to those who need low cost affordable housing.
This isn't a Karl Dean Style plan for a reason... A person who can't afford a $190,000 Home {or the outrageous property taxes on a $190,000 home per year} isn't a part of Karl Dean's Nashville. Those of you who are smart enough to read this NEED To realize DEAN is going to further separate the Haves in our City From the Have Nots.
Call Me Elitist... Call me a Dumb Redneck.... But I don't Want a Northern Born, gold-digging attorney running my town. Something gives me a feeling people in my economic bracket (that would be dirt poor at this moment in time) are going to be left out in the cold during a Karl Dean Administration.
Anywhay.... (I'm going to start using wh {as in which} instead of w {as in want}... its just more fun that whay) I whill have further commentary on this when I feel like it... but at least whanted to thank Bob and his organization for the familial 'props'!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Legal Changes? or Standard Practice?
Questioning The Very Basis Of Our Legal System?
August 22nd, 2007 - 3:57 pm
Jeff Woods sits down with Bob Clement and gets some answers as to why his campaign is linking Karl Dean to Paul Dennis Reid:
According to this new interpretation from Clement, the real problem is not that Dean represented the accused but that he did it well. “...His nickname is ‘Magic,’ ” Clement claims. “Karl Dean, they call him ‘Magic’ because he’s gotten people light sentences and was able to get people out who ought not to be out on the streets again.” Here’s more from the interview:
Scene: “So because someone has been public defender, is that person disqualified from serving as mayor?”
Clement: “No, I’m very supportive of public defenders. But I’m talking about people who have committed heinous crimes.”
Scene: “So they’re the ones who shouldn’t get a fair trial?”
Clement: “No, they should get representation.”
Scene: “Just not very good representation?”
Clement: “Well, you gotta use some common sense and good judgment. These people are a threat to society. Aren’t you doing them a favor by keeping them incarcerated and locked up? You’ve got cases where certain people should not be back on the street because of their record and the number of their crimes. That’s where the public defender and the prosecutor and all should come to the table and say, ‘If this person gets out, we’re going to have trouble. This person is going to do it again, and how many more lives do they have to destroy?’ ”
Scene: “What you’re saying, Congressman, is that if a guy is bad enough, what the public defender should do is just lay down and toss in the towel? What should Dean have done?”
Clement: “Represent them, No. 1, but No. 2, be sensitive to the community. Share information with the prosecution. You’re doing the person a favor by incarcerating them rather than turning them back onto the street where they can commit horrible crimes again.”
To counter Clement’s barbs, Dean is airing a TV ad featuring an endorsement from A.A. Birch, the first black chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court. “He fought honorably for his clients, and he never gave up,” says Birch, who retired last year.
Dean himself says, “It’s a criminal justice system where your job is to represent the client and do what’s best for him and they’re guaranteed that by the Constitution. They’re guaranteed a vigorous, zealous defense.”
Wonder how the Bill of Rights would fare in Clement’s polls?
Firstly I will answer your question. Fairly well thank you! it has for nearly 20 years!
next step... It is common practice for the sharing of information between the defense and the prosecution; to assume otherwise is to deny the truth of the changes in modern America.
Now to properly defend Bob, let me explain what he's saying clearly and concisely for those who think he's the next Bush. In the modern process Defense Attorneys (especially PUBLIC Defense attorneys) co-operate with the prosecution as if their client is guilty; to give their client a chance to plea bargain for the easiest, lightest sentence possible. Evidence sharing is required by the court as any evidence withheld from the prosecution could be detrimental to the prosecutions case. NOW, that said Bob is back tracking because he can't Say KARL is a part of the problem because he's a MODERN attorney... But to deny standard practice as if it is improbable and unconstitutional is incorrect. Attorneys have been doing this for years; ever wonder why a defense attorney knows everyone in the court??? ITS A MONEY GAME!
Bob's best line of defense is to reword his statement as opposed to lose votes; for coming out and attacking Karl for being an attorney. (which in this day in age is a fairly deplorable position...)
secondly; what happened to the original question?
Why did Nashvillians pay for a trial in Montgomery County?
the sun is shining in today. Its too damn hot for sun, and my blinds are too short.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
not much change on the way.
Buck Dozier Endorsed... COUNCIL AT LARGE ONLY!
Thanks buck... that helps sway the vote either way!
Dozier Endorses
By Kleinheider
August 21st, 2007 - 3:15 pmFrom Michael Cass:
Outgoing Metro councilman and former mayoral candidate Buck Dozier has endorsed Jerry Maynard for an at-large council seat.
“Jerry and I got to know one another during the most recent campaign cycle,” Dozier said in a news release. “In that time, I have grown to respect Jerry as a man of integrity and ideas, someone who is not afraid to tackle the tough challenges of improving our local schools and making our neighborhoods safer. … I believe Jerry will be a welcome addition to the Metro Council as a voice of reason and common sense.”
Dozier and Maynard had at least one campaign consultant, Mike Kopp, in common this year.
SEE ALSO: The City Paper
Buck can we expect a mayoral endorsement anytime soon?
Massachusetts Liberal
Posted by Sean Braisted at 8:00 AMThe video from the Channel 4 Debate is now available online. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, I recommend you check it out over there. One segment, which I found to be the best, was when Karl Dean turned Bob Clement's carpet-bagging question around on him:
Sean Still Endorses Dean... Dude you know Clement is a life long Dem right?
Jeff Woods Is on the Defensive. Only not with attacks. Jedi Mind tricks abound. =P
Dean Strikes Back
Posted by Jeff Woods (08.21.07, 9:49 AM)
It was the Karl Dean his supporters must have been waiting for. After taking it on the chin all month from Clement on taxes and crime and even for spending his wife's money, Dean finally started hitting back during last night's televised debate . What lasts in the minds of...
It was the Karl Dean his supporters must have been waiting for. After taking it on the chin all month from Clement on taxes and crime and even for spending his wife's money, Dean finally started hitting back during last night's televised debate.
What lasts in the minds of voters from any political debate are not the policy disagreements but the well-timed one-liners (i.e., "There you go again," and "Senator, you are no John Kennedy"). And Dean got off more than a few zingers:
"I'm willing to wager that I spent more time in Nashville in the last 25 years than you have."
"I know Metro government better than anybody on this stage."
"If you can't welcome people like me—to say that somebody who's been here 25, 26, 27 years shouldn't be able to run for mayor—well then somebody needs to tell the governor."
Asked by Clement why he's "so emphatic" about telling voters that he wasn't born in Nashville, Dean replied, "The short answer is it's the truth."
Clement's most memorable line? "Yes, I know how to say yes."
I personally Liked his "I will not increase Taxes" everyone keeps making pappy Bush comparisons without realizing the difference in federal governing principles and metropolitan governing principles. It is fairly easy to avoid a property tax increase; plan and allocate your budget where it is needed the most. Waste not want not!
and lastly WTF!
Half Day Heaven
Posted by Bruce Barry (08.21.07, 11:50 AM)
The roughly 75,000 kids who attend Metro public schools may not be terribly upset by the decision to keep schools open only for half days so far this week because of the heat, but parents scrambling to juggle jobs and child care are wondering how long this will continue. MNPS insists the decision is day-to-day. While few would fault administrators for attending to the health risks of extreme heat in classrooms and buses, it is curious that school officials refuse to just come out and say directly that half days will continue as long as the heat does.
I remember some HOT ASS Days back when I was in school. I didn't get half the day off!!! Whats the deal? are our kids getting soft? or is it another sign of global warming?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Clement Creeps out a win? maybe? maybe???
Mayoral Debate Pt. 1.
Property Taxes...
Oh my god.... Karl didn't say no...(didn't expect that one... I guess I'm dumb when it comes to dean =P)
2020 olympics... $40,000,000 dollars... avg cost...
Seems Karl doesn't get that most of that money comes from private investment. Bob Does, and thats why he says "I may be shooting for the moon here"
Low blow... Clement pulls the defense of Paul Dennis Reid out of left field...
Dean did not expect it.. and sounds a little pissed...
Dean "do not return to old style politics, " is not disrespectful of clement.
Clement, basically said, your right karl, your shit talking comes from the Scene... (note my wording... try to have some fun with this will ya!)
BEEEPPP Turn Tape Over Now
Mayoral Debate Pt. 2.
No child Left Behind... What will you do to help metro schools reach said goals?
Clement Voted for it and then says it was underfunded; bush didn't fund it properly (as a former college president and former co-chair on the caucus for education I find this acceptable, as he was a hard worker for federal education dollars.)
Dean Holds the same line. one problem i have... I can't trust a man who won't place his own children on his decisions (I.e. Karls Children are all PRIVATE SCHOOL EDUCATED... Bob's are public school educated.)
Business growth in Nashville
Dean Incentives only when Necessary, best way to compete with Mid TN for Nashville Business is to have good schools...
K... Sounds good
Clement, Incentive only when necessary, Lost jobs to areas outside of Nashville due to poor quality education...
K... Sounds Good
Did you actively seek Gentrys support?
Clement: Yes, Howard is an old Friend of Mine, and He handled himself very well as Vice Mayor and in the Mayoral Campaign. Howard I'm Doing very well in the African American Community and I Very Much Need you support, you could turn this election.
Good, As someone who has interacted with Howard on many occasions (he and my father went to high school together) I must say I hope he follows through and backs Mr. Clement.
Dean: I hired most of Gentry's staff. I will honor Howard's "I Believe" Message.
dude... His message was... "Believe" tsk, tsk, tsk...
and Finally
Beeeeppp Insert Tape B side 1 now!
Mayoral Debate Pt. 3.
Questions from the community!!!!
How will you stop Petty Crime?
Clement: Good Question, and this is becoming a problem in Nashville. As you may know I am endorsed by the Police Officers and Fire Fighters Union..."
Good enough for me (lets just hope he backs their 'fire serpas NOW' campaign too)
Dean: fund the police with enough money to fill the 60 to 70 vacant positions now, and the rest was a none answer.
'nuff said.
What you intend to do to make sure only LEGAL immigrants get work?
Dean: 287 g is the solution.
Clement: I will meet with Sherriff Hall tommorrow (287g may be good????) we have to prosecute those who intentionally hire illegals.
Great idea... My only problem is are our courts the best place to determine intent? especially if we are talking bad intentions...
Property taxes keep rising. How will you make sure my Taxes are being allocated properly?
Clement: I will NOT increase property taxes. We've seen 2 increases in the past 8 years, and Karl Dean was a part of the purcell administration when these increases occured.
NICE... good hit in there too!
Dean: I am committed to letting the voters decide on property tax increases.
Uhhhh... I don't want some of the idiot voters in this county having a say in whether or not I pay higher taxes. How bout just go ahead and tell me NO now... that will keep me happy dammit!
Poverty issues, and what would you do for our community as a whole?
Dean:Low income housing is the key to this issue.
good good... gimme more...
Clement:You have to have a support system (for the poverty stricken and the homeless) but you have to help them help themselves. Low income housing is a good solution.
Nice... keep it real!
were not done yet
Mayoral Debate Pt. 4
Hardest Professional decision you've ever made
Clement: As president of Cumberland University turning it from a 2 year to a 4 year college to get it fully accredited. I had to hire and fire a lot of people, but in the end I knew when to say yes and when to say no.
nice, political and business experience... after all he did turn C U around.
Dean: His hardest decision relates to personnel. He feels connected to his personnel ,"but then again there has to be accountability" especially when it comes to the tax payers dollars.
good call... but can you make personnel decisions?
Baby boom Retirement 1 worker for every 2 leaving workforce
Dean: Bredesen is doing what is best, meeting with local business leaders to find out what our schools need to focus on to keep the workforce flowing (from the schoolyard to the factory yard ehhh???)
Clement: we are a service Information society, that why I propose career and technical education in schools. just because your not in college does not make you a second class citizen. We've Got to prepare for the future, we've got to find the jobs that fit them. thats why we need vocational education back in schools and we need it now!
Tax increase
Plan our Growth and Grow our Plan... Focus on Quality of Life
uhhh... COOL... what about after that (i have to ask at least).
Dean: I have no plans to seek any increase in taxes. Now if a disaster or downturn, say we can't pay for our bonds, we may need to increase taxes... (he goes on...)
uhhh your right, but your wrong... no more taxes...
Both candidates avoided this question, so I'm just gonna skip it... enjoy the video
basically its what nationally held stereotype of nashville would you like to get rid of.
they both pitch MAJOR SOFTBALLS!
(i'd like to see the ignorant, uneducated, Racists, Shoeless, and maybe the "they all have mullets" stereotypes go... can I be mayor??? hehe.)
Convention center
Dean: Designate MDHA the authority to manage the development (after some investigation into MDHA) Store and restaurants should be on the exterior, and I would like to see a music theme as well.
Good Answer
Clement: Dean and I both Agree on the Convention Center. We Need it, but I'm not going to build it on the back of the taxpayers, I will utilize tourist dollars.
Air/Quality Ozone Standards
clement: We may get fined soon; we have to monitor this closely. We have to communicate this regionally as well.
Dean: The Next Mayor of Nashville is going to have to be a regional leader. As mayor of Nashville I would unite middle Tennessee to make sure we do not get sanctioned by the EPA.
I want to laugh because this question reminds me of the "EPA! EPA!" dome in the Simpsons movie... But its a serious issue and they both have good points.
Last but not least
Mayoral Debate Pt. 5.
k... I'm bored and this was long... Its like american idol (or insert other crappy Fox reality series here) 1 hour for two people to debate? I understand 1 or 2 hour debates when there were 7... BUT, come'on DAWG we're down to two...
30 minutes should be plenty.<--- does this show my youth???
Clement puts forth public school options... sounds good!
P.S. this is important.... to make this as fun as possible... RIGHT CLICK.... CLICK PLAY SPEED...
Its funny... I promise!
My Room is dark... But my TV is all Glowy!
back to normal non-TV mode tomorrow... Enjoy this while ya can!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
the New News About the News!
Lets hope this lasts folks. Its a chance for us to see the world without corporate rose colored glasses.
I advise everyone to sign up and watch!
This is a Beta internet News Channel, So they need all they help they can get!
Come On Winter!
Heat-related death toll rises
"Authorities in Memphis reported two more heat-related deaths Saturday, bringing the toll in Tennessee to 13.
The latest victims were a 74-year-old man found dead Saturday evening after working in his yard in the morning and a 60-year-old man found dead in his home late Friday night.
Shelby County Medical Examiner's Office said the 74-year-old man was found in his home in Germantown, a Memphis suburb, and had asthma."
this past week my in car thermometer registered 105+ degrees while driving down 40 W at 75 miles per hour.
So... question... Is Global Warming Really B.S.? Or did I forget what a TN summer is?
ponder, think... Respond.
Friday, August 17, 2007
So We May Pay More to Keep PREDS???
Thanks to Kleinheider For Posting this Video!
The Investor Group wants us to ante up $15,000,000-$18,000,000 ($3,000,000 -$5,000,000 more of our tax dollars) for them to buy out the preds contract and keep them in Nashville.
While Karl and Bob both take a line of "the Public needs to be involved. The public needs to be fully informed and aware of whats going on as this process goes forward." and "they(the local investors) Really need to open it up, they've got everyone on their side now. I'm for full disclosure{...} first of all they need to share the information, and a lot of the information is being sealed." respectively...
What I would like to know is will our Next Mayor sell us out to a local investor group? Our Schools have issues, our Police Department has morale issues; and these investors want us to throw 3 to 5 million of our tax dollars into a sports venture? I know how much the predators help downtown businesses, but with a proper business plan a sports team is not necessary for a business to succeed in the Downtown District of a Metropolitan city.
Secondly, Why do we want to spend our tax dollars on a sports team that our citizens don't want to see? If the Predators had high enough ticket sales a move would be impossible; yet these sales goals CANNOT be reached. If Nashville Doesn't want the team here, then its time to let the move occur and put these tax dollars back to good use.
and heres an idea... How about if your a fan... Save up the $731 and buy a season pass? it only takes 5,000 to keep the team...
just a thought from a very dark room.