

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why I want to move....

Some of you people just ruin this state for everybody...

CayleeScruggs wrote:

Replying to Diane1957:

Why are you hating on Palin? So she chose to carry her child-knowing it was going to be born with Downs-Syndrome-is that a bad thing-no-just look at all the children who are born with this-i raised a step daughter with this when her own father didnt want to have anything to do with the "retard" as he called her- i had custody of her because it was in her best interest-i loved her with all my heart-i did all i could do for her whereas her mother and father did not-she now is grown and lives in Florida-i divorced her father and raised her -her spirit is never wavering and she was/is a joy and inspiration to anyone ! Just because one has a "disability" doesnt mean you should just "get rid" of them- no one in this campaign is what we could call the perfect choice-but its who we have so lets make the best of it-

SARAH PALIN is a prophetess of the BLOOD OF CHRIST. It has been revealed in scripture that "the darkness disguised as light shall steal the BLOOD OF CHRIST away from the lips of babes and whose power will destroy the goodness of all men." REVELATIONS 12:19 The darkness prophecy is proven to be OSAMA OBAMA and SARAH PALIN will rise in the ligtt of her glory and the truth of JESUS sheall be shone down upon the heads of many andf the mouths of the hungered will gape as they are filled with the body and BLODD of the REAL TRUE JESUS.

REPUBLICANS are united in this belief, and I stand a member of my FAITH and MY CONVICTION that CHRIST's BLOOD will annoint the wicked when OUR WHITE HOUSE is taken back.

Sarah's sweet innocent child may not know the words of the LORD and she may squal in the darkness of ignorance and shame, but JESUS said "all ye who are born withour minds shall be taken as WINGED DOVES who shall DELIVER the BLOOD OF MY SACRIFE to the mouths of children."

Firstly, if you read this, Ms. Scruggs, Kudos on the raising a person 'born without a mind' that no one else cared about.

Now that you've heard the one thing you were begging people to say, can you please quit using our local newspapers comments section as your own personal bully pulpit?

I see some amazingly ignorant/stupid comments on the Tennessean's page on a daily basis, but you madam take SO MUCH of the cake (figuratively and literally)that I had to give you special coverage on my blog.

Second I don't give a damn who you are voting for, but the whole 'prophetess of the blood of christ' is not only an incorrect statement, its a sacrilegious statement.

There are no prophets of Christ, Christ WAS the prophet. Well, actually, I'm wrong... Mohammad was a Prophet of christs teachings.

I tell you what... You keep on fighting the good fight on TN's local news sights.

I'll buy you the Burka so your photo at least matches the opinions you put forth.

"CHRIST's BLOOD will annoint the wicked when OUR WHITE HOUSE is taken back."

WHAT THE FUCK is that supposed to mean? Let me guess when Obama wins he's gonna paint the white House Black? Or he's going to convert the nation to Islam?

Stupid people shouldn't breed... It leads to genetic issues, as Mrs. Palin and her Genius Husbands genetics show. You ma'am are also one of the failed genetics mergers.

One last question before I go... Do you have a Shell with Obama's name on it or something? If not (which I hope to GOD you don't) you really should step down your Obama=Evil dance...

Sometimes I wanna move 'cause of people like you... Then I remember my families been in the state since the 18th Century... So hows about you move YOUR Crazy ASS out of MY State?

I hear Utah's big into the whole Jesus Freak thing.