

Friday, September 12, 2008

9-11 Part 4: I'm not Crazy... If I'm crazy he's crazy...

Sorry I thought I'd be a little humorous with the title. Amazing to find that Keith said this the day before I posted My Take. I had zero knowledge this was said until late last night.

Sometimes It's good to know I'm not the only paranoid nutter out their when it comes to the Bushes...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11 Part 3: My Take

PDB 08/06/01
(Click the link for the full article, of course some pertinent Info was removed before media release. Important snippets below...)

Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Laden implied in U.S. television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and "bring the fighting to America."

After U.S. missile strikes on his base in Afghanistan in 1998, bin Laden told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington, according to a -- -- service.

Al Qaeda members -- including some who are U.S. citizens -- have resided in or traveled to the U.S. for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure that could aid attacks.

A clandestine source said in 1998 that a bin Laden cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks.

from a ---- service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel Rahman and other U.S.-held extremists.

36 days before 9-11-01, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, and Karl Rove, were informed of this Presidential briefing.

It's fairly reminiscent of the statements to Eisenhower in January 1941. This statement said that a Peruvian source stated that japan was planning an attack on pearl harbor. 11 months before it happened...

America HAS allowed itself to be attacked before to intervene in a truly just war.
7 years later, I have one question. Was THIS attack allowed to happen for Bush Co. to justify a war on 'evil muslim terrorists'?

Que Bono. Who Benefits? Who makes a profit? Halliburton, Blackwater Worldwide, And lets not forget all of the Oil / Natural Gas pipeline deals that have suddenly fallen into place after the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. While it seems that these could all be coincidental, and we will have to wait at least 50 years for the archives on the bush administration to be released, One can assume, someone in some dark dank government office somewhere Knew we were about to be hit. Either no one heeded their warning; or no one believed it was possible. If it was the first, it is always possible that someone in the White House had a large profit coming to them if we could somehow go to war in the middle-east.

Crazy? Maybe. But it's also possible; and that's a bit spooky.

9-11 Part 2: The history

We all remember what happened that day. Whether you think it was a vast conspiracy by the government; or whether you think it was a vast failure; one thing is a fact. We have yet to find a solution to the problem.

7 years later, We have not captured Bin-Laden.

7 years later, the Taliban are re-appearing in Afghanistan.

7 years later, we have started a war in Iraq, and are focusing a majority of our forces there.

7 years later, we are losing the war in Afghanistan because of a lack of military presence.

7 years later, you and I have had our rights trampled under presidential foot.

7 years later, Both Democrats and Republicans in the congress have failed to address any of the issues brought forth on 9-11.

Changes in National Security (though meagerly laughable at best) are the only advance we have made that would ensure our safety after 9-11.

Theres more to it than just that.

Benjamin Franklin once said "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." It could easily be interpreted to also mean that we shall LOSE liberty and Safety if we give up ANY Essential Liberties and Safeties.

9-11 Part 1: Laugh a little...

See more Will Ferrell videos at Funny or Die

Will Ferrell was always the best W. Darrell Hannah wasn't bad either... but Will Ferrell has gotten it down pat...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Engrish Onry!

Metro Councilman Eric Crafton is at it again. Would it surprise any of you that he is stating that this bill/petition is actually intended to ease government operations in Nashville.

I don't know where Mr. Crafton gets his information, or what he thinks this miracle bill will do, but it will not change all non-english speakers into fluent speakers.

Ask any teacher outside of the U.S. English is one of the HARDEST languages to learn as a second language. The only other languages that are harder to learn are Japanese, (with 3600 characters)Chinese, and Korean.

So Mr. Crafton, where's the magic button? whats the secret trick that's going to teach all of our Latino migrant workers to speak English instantaneously? What is so hard about printing our documents in different languages?

If this is about keeping English as the main language used in America (or Nashville Specifically)Then the question arises... Why? Legal matters?

Our constitution, and all of our legislation is written in English. We don't need laws that will create outcasts. We need laws that allow those who come from a different culture to meld into our culture. Prop 271 and an English First (or only... same difference)bill will be the downfall of an American tradition. The Melting pot, not the restaurant, the ideal...

Be smart when you get this petition. Throw it away.