

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Engrish Onry!

Metro Councilman Eric Crafton is at it again. Would it surprise any of you that he is stating that this bill/petition is actually intended to ease government operations in Nashville.

I don't know where Mr. Crafton gets his information, or what he thinks this miracle bill will do, but it will not change all non-english speakers into fluent speakers.

Ask any teacher outside of the U.S. English is one of the HARDEST languages to learn as a second language. The only other languages that are harder to learn are Japanese, (with 3600 characters)Chinese, and Korean.

So Mr. Crafton, where's the magic button? whats the secret trick that's going to teach all of our Latino migrant workers to speak English instantaneously? What is so hard about printing our documents in different languages?

If this is about keeping English as the main language used in America (or Nashville Specifically)Then the question arises... Why? Legal matters?

Our constitution, and all of our legislation is written in English. We don't need laws that will create outcasts. We need laws that allow those who come from a different culture to meld into our culture. Prop 271 and an English First (or only... same difference)bill will be the downfall of an American tradition. The Melting pot, not the restaurant, the ideal...

Be smart when you get this petition. Throw it away.

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