

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Pitbull in Lipstick...

Wow. If I didn't have a little bit of class I would be using terms that start with B to describe this lady, but I'll stick to the high ground.

So with McCain/Palin we can look forward to Palin being McCain's attack dog. No wonder she made the pitbull comment.

I can't wait for her to debate Biden. He's highly capable of serving her her first born with little effort.

Being that he has already said he will not hold any punches in the debate, we can expect it to be a good one.

Someone should tell this lady you get more flies with honey than you do vinegar...

1 comment:

jane q. public said...

I think there's no question that he can shred her. The tough part is doing it without the accusations of sexism or "picking on the poor little girl" (which seems decidedly anti-feminist to me) flying.

That said, I'm super-excited about watching the debates.